Sunday, September 10, 2023

Electrical System for "NEW" Ridge Point HS Band & Guard Trailer

Recently I had the privilege to design the electrical system for the Ridge Point Band and Guard trailer. As a long time volunteer of their boosters, I have the incite of the past trailer configuration and have witnessed how other bands have approached the same task. 

Goal for the new trailer:

  • Provide lighting for upper and lower decks

However, I challenged myself to meet these additional goals: 

  • Setup a low-voltage only system to mitigate any potential hazards
  • Provide external lighting for loading and practice
  • Have enough capacity for long weekend competitions or extended usage
  • Include fans to generate some airflow
  • Provide a "dash board" of labeled switches and a battery "gas gauge"  
  • Provide USB charging ports for directors 
  • Provide a safe external "shore power" outlet that could be connected by a traditional 3-prong household style outlet. This could in turn be fed by a generator, a solar charger or even a vehicle's 120v outlet as are available.  
  • Include a battery cutoff switch to mitigate parasitic power drain during the off season and extended periods of storage


I started by researching marine and RV electrical systems and seeing what features and products were available.

I quickly realized that the battery components needed to be marine, deep cycle, AGM batteries. I choose to use a pair of 100Ah Renogy AGM batteries instead of a single 200Ah unit. This provided a level of redundancy in addition to the benefit of those units. The AGM batteries are specified to be completely maintenance free and there is no gas or acid leakage. This gave me the level of safety I was looking to have around our children in the band. 

Next, I designed an enclosure to connect those batteries and have them connected through a disconnect switch. Not only does that switch provide a full disconnect from the system during non-use, but can also switch between the individual batteries if that should ever be needed. Batteries are also housed in their own anchored enclosures for even more safety!

Added to this setup was a smart Powermax PM3-15A 120v AC to 12v DC charger to provide recharge power from and external 120V source. That source is isolated from anywhere else in the trailer to maintain the goal of keeping the trailer only 12v low voltage. This was accomplished by a use specific "shore power" connector mounted to the outer skin of the trailer. Once again, this is a product designed for marine applications. 

Next comes the control panel. Inside the isolated chamber is a fuse panel to distribute 12v power to the various accessories. Each of those accessories is in turn controlled by a dedicated marine grade switch with indicator lights. 
Up top there is a detailed "gas gauge" that is the same brand as the batteries themselves. 

Control Panel

Gas Gauge

Switches and USB Outlets


With help from some band dad friends, we got the accessory wiring and lights installed. 
After the first two outings we've used the system for several hours and not dropped below 89% with full load! On a normal night it has only dropped to 93%. LED lights have proven to be the key to longer power capacity time. Recharge can be easily done during unload at end of the night back at the school! 
Looking forward to competition season and showing off our new trailer! Go BAND!!

Front side and second floor lights

Rear side light

Rear load ramp and interior lights

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